Breakthrough Coaching

Introductory price $2,222 (regular price $3,333)

Think of it as an investment in yourself – one that will pay dividends in terms of personal growth, fulfillment, and success.

YES, I'm Ready For a Breakthrough! 


If you're tired of not knowing how to move forward,

It's Time for a Breakthrough to get UnStuck!


Through a proven root cause coaching process, we work with your conscious and unconscious mind and integrate the two to get lasting results.  

I partner with you and have a customized process on how your BRAIN is doing the problem, unconsciously.

When you are more aware of what's going on, you can release those negative thoughts and emotions and limiting decisions and get the deeper learnings.  The learnings are positive, about you and qualities and characteristics that you can hold in the future.  Once you have those deep learnings, your conscious mind can know and trust what was released, and won't revert back to the old patterns that are no longer serving you.


We are inundated with so much stuff every single day and then your brain is labeling it, good or bad, right or wrong, worthy or not worthy, capable or not capable and those labels are getting you the results that are either serving you or not serving you. 


I’m here to help you get the results you want and shift how your brain is doing the problem, so that you can have what you want with more ease and flow



This program is for Women that...

  • Struggle with stress and overwhelm

  • Have anxiety and/or physical or emotional pain that they just want to go away

  • Have tried all the things and nothing is working

  • Want to make a change, but don't know how

  • Have specific challenges or decisions and need clarity

  • Are stuck and not sure which direction to take

  • Are ready and committed to making a different choice


What you'll receive:

  • 1:1 Coaching sessions 3 times per month for 2 months, so that you can get the deep learnings and tap into your intuition.

  • Unlimited email/voxer support, so that you can reach out when you hit a roadblock or need encouragement.

  • A safe supportive space, so you can express what is showing up for you

  • Detailed Personal History Intake, so that I can customize a breakthrough plan

  • Quantum Releases, so you can release negative thoughts, emotions and limiting decsions that are keeping you stuck.

  • Parts Integration, so you can integrate the internal conflicts.

  • SMART Goals Setting, so you can have a clear vision of what you want.

  • Strategic Action Plan, so you can have the aligned next steps to move forward and be empowered in your decisions.


Why this Program

I guide women to be more empowered to make aligned decision by using the messages of their body as a guide.  Leaning into your emotions, pain and other symptoms to see what the underlying message is, is a powerful way to heal.

I incorporate The BodyMind Method and Root Cause Coaching process into my work because I have been hearing clients talk about their pain and talk about what they want in their lives and I see how they are related.  I know that what you are looking for isn’t something that's external, it’s about learning to live connected to your inner wisdom.

I guide you through a proven process to understand the language of the body so that you can make aligned choices in every area of your life. 

It is a simple framework that is going to help you connect to the language of your body, learn how to listen to it and act from it.  Every choice and decision when you get stuck, learning how to navigate that through the bodymind connection is what opens up possibility and helps you physiologically transform into your next level.




Are You Ready for a BREAKTHROUGH?!

If you're ready to experience rapid breakthroughs and unleash your full potential, this is for you. Don't let another day go by feeling stuck or uncertain. Take action now and step into the life you truly desire.




Book Your Breakthrough Coaching Session Today!

Once you make your purchase, you will receive an email on how to schedule your first session.


Spaces are limited – claim your spot and start your journey to transformation today.